Dandelions. Ugh.
Well, we've got a bumper crop this year. They've been increasing in numbers both here at home and at the cottage. We're avoiding dandelion killer at home (saving the kids from the chemicals, us too) and can't use anything, even fertilizer, up at the cottage because of the pond. So my favorite tool right now is the handy-dandy dandelion fork.
I'm amazed at how many of these plants I can get out with root intact when the soil is damp. You do need to get the whole tap root out to prevent them from growing back. But even if you don't get it all, getting the majority weakens the plant, depriving it of the opportunity of photosynthesis. Every plant you pull stops the reseeding process. We all know how efficient those puff balls are at seed spreading.
If your yellow heads have already turned white, you can carefully pick them and get them out of your yard. When the kids were younger I'd send them out to pick the yellow dandelion heads, just so they wouldn't go to seed. One cent per head, honor system. At least it stemmed the spread.
There are other methods to get rid of them--can use hot water or vinegar--but those kill the grass, too, and dandelions are usually embedded in the grass. You can also spread corn gluten on your lawn, which prevents the seeds from taking root.
But there's something satisfying about pulling out those weeds. I'm amazed at how quickly I can fill a bag. Then I can sit back and enjoy a nice clean patch of green grass.
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